A Case for the Divine Love of Christ and the Calling to the Universal Apostolate

September 7, 1959, is a date that marks the Spiritual Independence of those who decide to follow the teachings of Jesus, the Christ of God, gathered in His New Commandment (John 13:34 and 35). On this day, the late Brother Alziro Zarur proclaimed these words and recognized them as the Soul of the entire Ecumenical Doctrine of the Fourth Revelation.

In dedication to this Universal Love, Brother Paiva Netto expanded our understanding of the existence of a document that represents our Eternal Alliance with Christ Himself: the Treaty of the Spiritually Revolutionary New Commandment.

The Neutral Field of Jesus, represented by the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit, makes us perceive the greatness of this Divine Love, whose guideline and reason are circumscribed in its universal applicability, that is, in Ecumenism, as we see in the document of the Proclamation of the New Commandment of the Heavenly Statesman.

Sacred and Universal Principles

From the link of Ecumenism — which guides the teachings contained in the Gospel-Apocalypse of Jesus, in Spirit and Truth under the light of His New Commandment — we can understand its applicability in the World and the existence of sacred and universal principles present in everyone's life. They are:

  • Immortality of the Soul;

  • Universal Law of Reincarnation;

  • Conscious Union of the two humanities (Earth and Heaven);

  • Inner Christ;

  • Christianity of Christ;

  • Spiritual and Divine Hierarchy;

  • Free will;

  • Gradual Revelation of God;

  • Ecumenical Flock of Jesus;

  • All humanity is Christian;

  • Jesus is the co-author of the Earth;

  • Ecumenical Spirituality.

These universal principles, represented by the New Commandment of Jesus, are manifested by our actions, whether conscious or unconscious: When we seek to maintain a material or spiritual legacy in the lives of those we love, we are seeking immortality; When we seek daily renewal or even a new life, wanting to change and leave aside the harm we have caused to others and ourselves, we are unconsciously seeking reincarnation; When we understand that life is much more than carnal fallibility and that we are guided by forces, until now, invisible, it is our soul wanting to bring to consciousness the existence of communication with the Spiritual World; When we seek intimate and spiritual improvement, we are working so that the Inner Christ may be manifested, certain that our actions will bring fruits blessed by God Himself; Still dissatisfied with the way we understand and live the teachings of Jesus, we seek to work daily, spiritually hungry and thirst, to know in-depth, the Christianity of Christ and not the one from flawed beings; When we understand the importance of the elderly in passing on the experience of their lives, we are living in a spiritual hierarchy, necessary for directing our choices; The certainty that we are free to choose and the struggle of some to have their voice heard, that is, free will; When we begin to see and understand that we naturally have different perspectives of God and that this is not a reason for rivalry, but that it is just the simple manifestation of how we understand the Divine Greatness in respect to His creation, we are recognizing the gradation of God's Revelations; The dedication to harmonious living among different societies and cultures is unconsciously the formation of an Ecumenical Flock for one Shepherd, Jesus; Observing that divine creation is sacred, that we all have an intrinsic value and in some way we are Sisters and Brothers anointed by God Himself and His Beloved Son, Jesus, is understanding that we are all Christians in essence; Living by understanding that circumstances are beyond our control, whether agreeing with them or fighting against them, is unconsciously accepting that there is a Divine Governance, in this sense of Jesus, the Christ of God; Finally, fighting for the defense of these sacred, inalienable and universal principles, or against them, certain that there is a relationship with one's own coexistence in society, is being in agreement with the sacredness of Life and the existence of Eternal Souls, both represented by Ecumenical Spirituality.

The Eternal Covenant

All these principles are gathered together in the document that establishes our Eternal Covenant with Christ, His Spiritually Revolutionary Treatise of the New Commandment, compiled by His Apostle, Brother Paiva, according to John, 13:34 and 35; and 15:7, 8, 10 to 17 and 9:

Jesus, the Ecumenical Christ, the Divine Statesman, has taught: A New Commandment I give you: love one another, as I have loved you. Only by this shall all of you be recognized as my disciples, if you have the same Love for one another. If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples. If you keep my commandments, you will remain in my Love, just as I have kept my Father’s commandments and remain in His Love. I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete. This is my Commandment: that you love one another as I have loved you. There is no greater Love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. And you are my friends if you do what I command you. And I command you this: love one another as I have loved you. No longer do I call you servants, because a servant does not know what his master is doing. But I have called you friends, because everything I have learned from my Father I have made known to you. You did not choose me; on the contrary, I chose you and appointed you so that you should go and bear good fruit, and that your fruit should remain, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name He may give to you. And this I command you: that you love one another as I have loved you. Therefore, as the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Remain in my Love.”

By recognizing that its essence has existed since before the foundation of the World, we begin to understand that when we came to Earth to live our first reincarnation, we signed this document. Our entire life is summarized in trying to experience or not the Universal Love presented by Jesus. There is still much to highlight in these words of the Divine Master, but we want to highlight three points:

  1. The act of glorifying God through good deeds;

  2. Spiritual Happiness, which comes from Peace of Mind;

  3. Jesus' choice to allow us to be on Earth or in Heaven on Earth.

Calling to the Apostolate in the Ecumenical Love of Christ

Everyone is capable of diligently professing the Love of the New Commandment of the Ecumenical Shepherd in their daily lives, in their practical lives. This is the universal calling: To be part of the Divine Light in the service of God, that is, to seek in the complex and incomprehensible what is understandable and simple. To present the Divine Knowledge, which is in the apparently abstract and manifests itself in the concrete, to everyday life.

Our Apostolic Devotion to the Doctrine of the New Commandment occurs when we take up our cross and become faithful servants of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Jesus is calling for co-workers to serve in the extension of the Kingdom of God on Earth. (...) Throughout the twenty centuries of Christianity that we have been living, the Lord is calling for co-workers to work in His sublime work of redemption and improvement. There is service for each one and steps of enlightenment for all. Where are you going, brother? Jesus sacrificed Himself on the cross for us. What do we do for Him? (From the psycographed message “Jesus Is Calling!” (1950), by the medium Chico Xavier, authorship Spirit Emmanuel)

Let us reflect on this question from the spiritual benefactor so that the embodiment and expansion of Jesus' teachings are demonstrated by developing our own responsibility in religious devotion, in the education of our Souls, and in a practical destiny, we will be fulfilling the terms of our Eternal Covenant with Christ, signed before we reincarnated.

This is the meaning of our existence: to promote in Souls the spiritual awareness of what Jesus expects of us, and therefore to perceive, in conscious communion with Earth and Heaven, whether our choices are in accordance with God’s Good Will.

Christ told us in His Gospel, according to John, 14:6: “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” He does not give up on us and continues to carry our sins firmly on His shoulders, in the hope that we will work for our redemption, achieving spiritual emancipation.

Empire of the Love of Christ

Let us strive to be under the Universal Government of the Love of the Divine Emperor. Brother Paiva teaches in his book Jesus, the Pain and the Origin of His Authority – The Power of Christ in Us :

Jesus, the Ecumenical Christ, the Divine Statesman – a condition to which He deserved due to the extreme sacrifice He submitted Himself for the enlightenment of all, as we have understood in this analysis [present in the book] –, is the Sun that does not go out nor casts shadows. It is, for this very reason, much more inspiring that we live under His Sublime Light and His indisputable Authority. When they enthroned Him on the Cross, He became clearly King. He already was and thus constituted Himself, in full view of all, above the still clouded eyes of Humanity. By the model of resistance to moral and spiritual Pain, of which He was and is a paradigm, He rose as an example that we all must follow.

Divine Love emancipates us and makes us Spiritual Citizens. Through Education with Ecumenical Spirituality, we recognize the duties and rights of this Citizenship, which illuminates the heart and brain. Ecumenical and unconditional Love enables us to naturally reach, one day, the stature of Christ, establishing the Kingdom of God on Earth.

Let us move forward. Together, we can bear witness to the Order of being Apostles of Christ!


Fourth-Day: Duality


Third Day: Life