Write to why?

That’s an odd question, I know, but I hope to get to reason with it at the end of this article. That is . . . my first one, in Medium, and at least in English . . .

Well, I hope you endure this reading of how my mad mind works (lol), not only in this, but also in the others that I’m inclined to write. But, first things first:

As I was thinking of what to write for the first time in this media, I ran into a meditative state to find “the gold in the sand” or “the jewel in the dirt,” but that only happened, as some may have already experienced, when I stopped thinking about it. Then the title for this article appeared to me in a sudden-feeling way, and since I’m a Kristano* and believer in the intuition that comes from Spiritual Friends, I accepted and started to dwell into the challenge and idea to write something compelling that will reach, through  my own capacities, the expectations of this title.

Let’s then begin with the idea of writing. As I’m typing this article an experience is happening, that is the materialization of thoughts, and as I progress in this I feel the chaos of my mind entering into an order of a narrow and limited virtual “piece of paper.” This process, as some say, helps us focus on what is important, and then  brings  out from the darker corners of our minds answers to uncertainties that most of us live in. It's hard work, it demands from you all of your attention and synapses to synthesize a universe of ideas. At the same time responsibility, because what is “written in stone” can’t be changed. It has already entered into the realm of the past and now its only way is to move forward, to evolve in the present for the future, in a changeable and exciting journey. So, if we get ourselves into this thought that writing is something dead, we should reconsider what is happening inside of us, because this solidifies, materializes what is in the potentiality of the Spirit, that is our mind, our soul.

With that said, the meaning of “to”, according to Merriam-Webster, is “a function word to indicate purpose, intention, tendency, result, or end”. Writing without purpose is the same as eating without joy, you don’t want to even get close to it.

Within this same idea, I want to get to a purpose in this process of writing. One that is parallel to the Gospel of Jesus according to John 1:1 to 5:

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through Him all things were made; without Him nothing was made that has been made. In Him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”

In this quote we can understand that to write is to incarnate what you register. As the ancients seek to carve in stone the ideas and notions received from an immaterial world in a straight connection to God, Jesus Christ is the Word carved in flesh, the amalgamation of Divinity and Its Love. The incarnated symbol of God. Now, all that may already seem common knowledge or at least a common idea to those who believe in Christ. You may say that I just stated what is written, and I agree with you.

But. . .  Jesus “is greater than we think,” as writes Brother Paiva Netto, President-Preacher of the Religion of the Third Millennium. And, as I’m trying to bring here what is in my mind, I want to discuss the divine purpose of Christ’s teachings to the World, because as we saw, He is the carved and “written in stone” Love of God in flesh. So, that means His teachings are, in the ultimate meaning, Love. Even in the most prophetic and polemic book of the Holy Bible, the Apocalypse – Where we will begin our Journey.


P.S.: If you didn’t ask yourself why? At least I made you think that I’m another oblivious Christian. Then I ask you “why?”.


*Kristano - Christian of the New Commandment of Jesus in Esperanto.



Merriam-Webster Dictionary. (n.d.). To. In Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Retrieved July 18, 2022, from https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/to 

New International Version Bible. (2011). Biblica. www.biblica.com 

Paiva Netto, J. (2014, November). Jesus Is Greater Than We Think. PAIVA NETTO. https://www.paivanetto.com/en/jesus/jesus-greater-we-think


The Love of God Toward Humanity