Understanding the Meaning of Our Spiritual Missions
For example, bakers. As someone who extremely respects this profession because I love any kind of baked goods, we cannot say that a baker’s Main Mission is to discover a different kind of recipe that will create an outstanding type of bread….
Reflections on Faith
Faith, like any other term, has a duality defined by our intentions. Take, for example, the approach of external and internal….
Light and Shadow (1): Understanding it for a better life
From that, we can already understand that shadow is what we fail to see in ourselves or even comprehend consciously. We could even say that is what we choose or not to ignore, and when it manifests from our psyche is the materialization of ignorance. And what do we ignore? So many things…
Baptism of Fire and Spiritual Purification
Would it be the same as the “hell” of popular understanding? Yes and no. There is a duality that completes itself….
The Love of God Toward Humanity
Aren’t all the narrators and scribes writers from a vision they are witnessing? Either something that is happening right in front of them or a dream they witness and want to share?…
Write to why?
This process, as some say, helps us focus on what is important, and then brings out from the darker corners of our minds answers to uncertainties that most of us live in….